احمدی نژاد گذشته وآینده
سپاه آنلاین: مقاله ویژه
محمود احمدینژاد در ۶ آبان سال ۱۳۳۵ در بخش آرادان از توابع گرمسار در استان سمنان (استان های اصفهان، یزد و سمنان از مهمترین استان های یهودی نشین ایران بدنیا آمد که در آن روستا یهودیان به ظاهر مسلمان شده (آنوسی ها) بسیاری هستند. محمود، که چهارمین فرزند خانواده است، به همراه خانواده در سن یک سالگی از آن شهرستان به تهران آمده و ساکن تهران شدند.
او از زمان انقلاب از دانشجویان پیرو خط خمینی بود که در آن سالها بنا به اطلاعات رسیده در جریان اعدام های اوایل انقلاب نقش داشته است.
او از زمان انقلاب از دانشجویان پیرو خط خمینی بود که در آن سالها بنا به اطلاعات رسیده در جریان اعدام های اوایل انقلاب نقش داشته است.
بنابر اطلاعات بدست آمده پدرمحمود احمدی نژاد، در دوران کودکی وی نام خانوادگیشان را از «سبورجیان» به احمدینژاد تغییر داده است. مطابق لغت نامه دهخدا کلمه سبور (به عبری: סבור) واژه ای عبری است و به معنای تصور کننده، معتقد می باشد.
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صفحه توضیحات شناسنامه احمدی نژاد |
روزنامه گاردین در سال 2005 و در همان دوره اول ریاست جمهوری احمدی نژاد، موضوع تغییر نام را از قول یکی از اقوام رئیس جمهور گفته است : “تغییر نام ترکیبی از دلایل اقتصادی و دینی ! را داشته است.” جالب است که این قوم و خویش رئیس جمهور که کازین اوست (پسر خاله یا عمو یا عمه یا دایی) نامش شاه حسینی است (نامی اسلامی و دو آتشه)
در حقیقت این یهودیان(خاندان سبورجیان) از دهکده سده اصفهان هستند که حدود 100 سال پیش یهودیان این دهکده با فشار به ظاهر مسلمان می شوند. کلیمیان ایران قدیمی ترین قوم خارج از اسرائیل هستند که بعد از خراب شدن اولین معبد یا اولین خانه خدا یهودیان را از بابل به عنوان اسیر آوردند به ایران و در زمان داریوش که دومین خانه خدا (بیت المقدس) شروع به ساختن شد پادشاه ایران به یهودیان برای بازگشت به سرزمینشان کمک می کند، عده ای می روند و عده ای می مانند. عده ای که الان در ایران هستند همان کلیمیان 2600 سال پیش هستند.که در حال حاضر هموطنان ما هستند.
احمدی نژاد برای پنهان کردن هویت یهودی اش و فریب افکار عمومی بعد از کودتا در انتخابات دوره دهم ریاست جمهوری با انداختن شال سبز به گردنش مدعی شد،من هم سید هستم چون مادرم سید است. اما تصویر ...
صفحه اول شناسنامه وی به وضوح نام مادر وی را که “فاطمه بگم” است نشان می دهد و ادعای سید بودن مادر وی کاملا دروغ است.
دکتر خزعلی از اولین کسانی بود که یهودی بودن احمدی نژاد را مطرح کرد که باعث فیلتر شدن سایت اینترنتی اش شد. دکتر خزعلی بیشتر به افشاگری در مورد مسائل پشت پرده نظام دست می زد، از جمله قتل سید احمد خمینی توسط سعید امامی، قتل دکتر سامی توسط احمدی نژاد .
سبور، شالی است که برای انجام مناسک یهودی از آن استفاده میشود و سبورجیانها خانوادهای یهودی هستند که در آرادان سکونت دارند و این نام خانوادگی توسط وزارت کشور ایران ویژه یهودیان شناخته شده است. بر همین اساس این روزنامه ادعا کرد که با توجه به نام خانوادگی سابق وی (سبورجیان) به روشنی نشان میدهد که وی ریشهٔ یهودی دارد. نوشته صفحه آخر شناسنامه نشان میدهد که خانواده او پس از تولد محمود، وقتی به اسلام گرویدند، نام اش را تغییر دادند.
روزنامه ديلي تلگراف به نقل از يك كارشناس ايراني يهودي تبار مي نويسد: “احمدي نژاد” نام خانوادگي خود را تغيير داد تا مشخص نشود كه اصلش يهودي است! او هميشه به شدت يهوديان و اسرائيل را مورد حمله و انتقاد قرار مي دهد تا اصل و تبار يهوديش برملا نشود و افکار عمومی را منحرف سازد.
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نام مادر احمدی نژاد |
اولین علائم دورویی و ریا در احمدی نژاد آنجایی نمود پیدا میکند که نام خانوادگیش را به احمدی نژاد منتقل میکند تا خود را از نسل احمد پیغمبر اسلام و ادامه دهنده راه او نشان دهد.
بعد از آن ادعای کذب سید بودن مادرش و ظاهر شدیدا ساده و اسلامی اوست بطور مثال کاپشن معروفش و ادعای معروفش که ما در سفرهای استانی با وزرای همراه برای صرفه جویی کمی نان و پنیر می خوریم و همینطور طرح صرفه جویی در ادارات و سازمانها که هیچوقت اجرایی نشد.
دیگر نشانه ریاکاری او تظاهر شدید به مردمی بودن است. مثل زندگی ساده اسلامی، خانه قدیمی و ساده، غذای ساده، به میان مردم رفتن و خوش و بش کردن، عامیانه صحبت کردن، و …
تظاهر به مبارزه کردن تک و تنها با مافیای قدرت و ثروت و همینطور امپریالیسم هم از ابداعات ذهن و تخیل بیمار اوست.
البته منظور از مبارزه با مافیای قدرت و ثروت در داخل خاندان آقای رفسنجانی، ناطق نوری و دیگر دانه درشت هایی است که هیچ وقت معرفی نشدند و بهمراه جنجال های رسانه ای صدا و سیمای وابسته به جریان حامی دولت، وسیله ای بسیار مناسب برای مظلومیت و محبوبیت کوتاه مدت احمدی نژاد شد بطوریکه به او لقب مالک اشتر علی دادند.ماجرای مبارزه با دانه درشت ها وآقازاده ها بهانه و پوشش خوبی نیز برای نابسامانی های کشور بود.
و البته نشانه و آیه در اینمورد بیشمار است.
ادعای ارتباط با امام زمان
تظاهر شدید و افراطی احمدی نژاد به پایبندی به دین اسلام به حدی است که حتی ایشان ادعای حالات روحانی از قبیل هاله نور، غذا خوردن با امام زمان، منتسب کردن اعمال و سخنان خود به او، اقتدا کردن فرضی نماز به او، گذاشتن ظرف غذا بر سر میز هیأت دولت برای امام زمان، ادعای مدیریت کشور توسط او، دیدن خواب امام زمان و حتی ادعای ارتباط با امام زمان و گرفتن دستور از ایشان را نیز کرده که در روایات شیعه و سنی این امر کاملا رد شده و شخص مدعی را دروغگو و دجال نامیده است
در سال اول ریاست جمهوری آقای احمدینژاد، در محافل خصوصی نقل می شد که ایشان در سفر استانی به سیستان و بلوچستان و در پاسخ به اعتراض یکی از معاونین که اعتبارات کشور محدود است و چرا این همه وعدههای دهها میلیارد تومانی به هر شهر داده میشود، گفته است: «نگران نباشید دو سال دیگر (منظور سال 2012) امام زمان (عج) ظهور میکند و همه مشکلات را حل میکند.»
نمایندهای از شورای اسلامی، نقل میکرد روزی در ملاقات رئیسجمهور با خامنه ای ، وی نسبت به اظهاراتش و وعده ظهور حضرت در دو سال دیگر مورد اعتراض شدید خامنه ای واقع شد و در جواب گفت: «کسانی که با ایشان در تماس هستند، گفتهاند» و پس از خروج از بیت رهبری، اظهار کرده است: «ایشان تصور میکند من رئیس جمهور او هستم، من رئیسجمهور امام زمان (عج) میباشم.
احمدی نژاد این ادعا را در یک دیدار با سیدحسن خمینی فرزند احمد خمینی تکرار کرد و گفت امام زمان دو سال دیگر(2012) ظهور خواهد کرد. در ماجرای سخنرانی در دانشگاه کلمبیا احمدی نژاد ادعا کرد که در آن ماجرا، امام زمان (عج) مسأله را هدایت میکرد.
احمدی نژاد در جلسه هیئت دولت که منجر به مشاجره با صفار هرندی وزیر ارشاد و وزیر اطلاعات سابق آقای محسنی اژه ای شد، بعد از اینکه صفار هرندی احمدی نژاد را به تبعیت از نایب امام زمان یعنی آقای خامنه ای امر کرد احمدی نژاد گفت : اگر شما از نایب آقا دستور می گیرید من از خودآقا دستور میگیرم.
اولین نفی کننده هولوکاست سعیدامامی بود. سعید امامی معاون امنيتی وقت وزارت اطلاعات ايران و از طراحان قتل های زنجیرهای ایران در مهرماه سال ۱۳۷۵ و در دانشگاه همدان اعلام کرد از طریق «دوستان نئو نازی» خود به کتاب هایی تاریخی دست یافته است که نشان میدهد رقم واقعی کشته شدگان در هولوکاست٢٥٠٬۰۰ نفر بوده و رقم ۶٬۰۰۰٬۰۰۰ یهودی کشته شده در هولوکاست را غیر واقعی و دروغ خواند.
تا اوایل دهه هفتاد در ایران، هولوکاست یک رویداد حقیقی به شمار میرفت و فیلمها و سریالهای غربی که در تائید هولوکاست ساخته شده بودند، بدون هیچ توضیحی در شبکههای رسمی تلویزیون پخش میشد. حتی در سال ۷۲ دفتر نمایندگی جمهوری اسلامی ایران در سازمان ملل متحد، در بیانیهای، کشتار فرقه داویدیان در آمریکا را به کشتار دسته جمعی یهودیان توسط آلمان نازی تشبیه کرد.
سعید امامی همان پروژه ای را آغاز کرده بود که اکنون آقای احمدی نژاد ادامه دهنده آن است.
قبل از آغاز ماجرای قتل های زنجیره ای سعید امامی سخنرانی ای کرد که “ما باید در مقابل تهاجم فرهنگی کار فرهنگی کنیم” که بعد از مدت کوتاهی، قتل های زنجیره ای اتفاق افتاد. اخیرا بعد از وقایع پس از انتخابات هم احمدی نژاد همین سخنان را تکرار کرد که می بینیم تا به حال چندین قتل و ترور اتفاق افتاده اما این بار ترور ها از سمت شخص خامنه ای شکل میگیرد.
روزنامه سلام در ۱۵ تیر ۱۳۷۸ نامهای از سعید امامی را منتشر ساخت که وی خواستار اعمال محدودیت بیشتر برای نویسندگان و مترجمان شده بود. در پی چاپ این نامه که ضربه سنگینی به جناح محافظه کار (اصول گرایان) بشمار میرفت دادگاه ویژه روحانیت روزنامه سلام را توقیف کرد و تجمع اعتراضی دانشجویان در کوی دانشگاه با یورش سهمگین پلیس و نیروهای لباس شخصی موج گستردهای از درگیری میان مردم و نظام را برای یک هفته در سراسر کشور رقم زد.ناگفته نمانداحمدی نژاد یکی از شاکیان روزنامه سلام بود.
وابستگی احمدی نژاد به انجمن حجتیه، حزب موتلفه اسلامی و جامعه روحانیت مبارز سه جریان حاکم بر کشور باعث شده است که بتواند افکار خود را در جهت نظریه دینی جمهوری اسلامی را پیش ببرد وحتی آن را در راستای قدرت بخشیدن به وابستگان خود به کار بندد.
انجمن حجتیه در سایت ویکی پدیا به عنوان معدود انجمن های سری و قدرتمند جهان در کنار فراماسونری ، ایلومیناتی (روشن ضمیران) نام برده شده است .انجمن حجتیه تشکیلاتی که هدف اصلی آن، دفاع از اسلام در مقابل بهائیت و تلاش برای «فراهم کردن زمینه ظهور امام عصر» است. این انجمن در سال ۱۳۳۲ به رهبری یک روحانی شیعه به نام شیخ محمود حلبی تأسیس شد. حلبی این گروه را در سال ۱۳۶۲ پس از تهدید روحالله خمینی و متهمشدن به خیانت و ارتجاع، تعطیل کرد.
اختلاف اصلی اعتقادی انجمن حجتیه با دیدگاه حاکم در جمهوریاسلامی ایران، آنست که آنها معتقد به تلاش برای تشکیل حکومتی اسلامی تا پیش از ظهور امام عصر نیستند.
پاینده ایران وملت ایران
سپاه آنلاین
Ahmadi Nejad Past and Future
Mahmod Ahmadi Nejad was born in 6th Aban 1335, in the Azadan of Garmsar location a suberb to Semnan Province (Isfahan, Yazd, Semnan are the provinces which use to have the highest population of Jewish minority in Iran) They are Jewish who had changed their religion to Islam (Annosi), he was the forth child of his family. They moved to Tehran when he was only one year old. Since the beginning of the revolution he was a member of the students who were called the followers of Immam, according to news received he was always aware of all the crimes committed ever sinceAccording to records received from the resources the father of Ahmadi Nejad changed his sir name from Sebourjian to the present sir name, according to Dehkhoda dictionary Sebour in Hebrew means... a person who believe in imagining things
The Guardina News paper in 2005 published an article stating the matter who was told by a cousin of his which as well has a very Islamic name (Shah-houseiny) and was added that this change of sir-name was because of political and economical reasons done in those days
In reality these Hebrews (Sebourchian clan) are from a vilage of Sade which belongs to Isphane and is said that in those days because of the Islam forcing the Hebrews to become Muslims they converte to Islam around 100 years ago. The Hebrews in Iran are the oldest nation which outside Israel after loosing their temples in Babilon and being treated as slaves came to Iran when the (Ghods) was being built during the Darioush Kingdom, then the King gave them their liberty and made them free which then many left but those who stayed are now our compatriots which have lived in Iran since 2600 years ago
Ahmadi Nejad during the elections used a Green scarf saying that he is a Seyed because of his mother's family line ...but from the copy of her national identity according to her name "Fateme Begim" we can see that this was just a lie to fool the public opinion
Dr. Khazali was one of the first who made comments of Ahmadi Nejad's religion, after the comment his website was filtered. Khazali was always exposing the truth about the dark side of the Regime, such as the assassination of Seyed Ahmad Khomeini by Saeid Emmami or the murdedr of Dr. Sammy by Ahmadi Nejad
Sebour is a scarf the which is used in Jewish rituals, and the Clan or family of Sebourjian are the one who had lived in Azadan, and according to the ministry of interior the name is considered as Jewish name. Based on the given information on behalf of the mentioned news paper which claims that Ahmadi Nejad has Jewish origins and his name was changed (Sebourjina) after his family was converted to Islam
Daily Telegram says on behalf of an expert on Iranian Jewish informs, that Ahmadi Nejad's sir name is changed so is real identity will not be a reason for rejection and he always attacks his co religious of Israel so no one would know the truth and to fool the public opinion
The first signs of him being two faced person: change of his sir name, the identity of his mother being a Seyed so he can relate himself to Prophet Mohamad, dressing so poorly, statng that him and his cabinet when on political trips eating just some bread and cheese, his old over coat, his way of saving in costs of his cabinet which has never been carried out in the ministries which is another way of fooling the public opinion
Other facts of him being as false as possible is his pretension on fighting against the corruption single handed, of course this was another way of showing himself innocent against the Mafia of Mr. Rafsanjani and his children or Mr. Nategh Noori which have never been clearly been exposed on mas media, this are big pieces to chew even by him, but exposing them was an excuse to evade the attention of the public opinion towards the mishandling the countries affairs. Of course there is much more on this issue
Other matters to pay attention to are him being able to communicate with Emam Zaman in many occasions such as having meals with Emam Zaman, being illuminated by golden halo, admitting that he takes direct orders from the Emam Zaman himself, to serve a plate of food for the coming Emam, seeing him in his dreams, being advised by him on how to carry one with his work and so one, which all have been denied by the Soony and Shiat leaders and the one who has admitted these issues has been called a false person. Once on of the members of the the parliament in the province of Sistan and Baluchestan had asked him why dose he lie and promises amount of money which can not provide because of the poor administration... and Ahmadi Nejad in answer had said that they should not worry about it, as the Amam Zaman is going to come soon and provide them with all that he is saying and promisiong, and he had said within 2 years time the Emam is going to come it means 2012 One of the ministers relates that one day Ahmadi Nejad was questioned by Khamenie on why has he said that Emam Zaman is coming in 2012 and had got angry on him, on leaving Ahmadi Nejad had said, that the leader thinks I am his president , I am the president of Emam Zaman not his, and added that those who are in contact with him had said that the 2012 is the date given to him
Ahmadi Nejad once when talking to Seyed Hassan Khomeini, Ahmad Khomeini's son state it again that the Emam Zaman is due within 2 years and he will appear in 2012 and on his conference in Columbia University said that the conference was guided by The Emam Zaman himself
Ahmadi Nejad had a discussion with Safar Harandi Minister of Ershad and the former minister of inteligence Mosheni Egei who told him that he should obey the Leader Khamenie who recives the orders from Emam Zaman and they obey him, and in answer he said if they obey Khamenei, himself is directly obeyng and receiving orders from the Emam Zaman himself.
The first person who denied the genocide of the Jewish by the Germans was Said Emami who was the vice-president to ministry of interior and security of the country and one of the designers of the chain murders which took place then, he said that due to his neo nazi friends and history books the total Jewish killed during the halocost were 250.000 not 6.000.000 as claimed by Israel and he called it a big lie
Till 70s the Jewish genocide was always believed and referred to as such and all the documentales, reports and films on the subject were shown on TV. and cinemas, even in 1372 the murder of Davidian sect in united states was resembled to the Halocost
Said Emami had then startd a project which now ahmadi Nejad is following, before the chain murders which happened during his assignment he said that agains a cultural attacks we have to provide cultural defence, and shortly after the chain assassinations started then in Iran
Just after the false elections we have seen many assassinations happening the way they did in the past, but now the orders are given by Khamenei himself
The Salam newspaper published a letter of Said Emami which in this letter he had asked to be more harsh and strict with writers , translators and so on, after the publishing of the mentioned letter which was a heavy attack against the conservatives in general, the special court of holiness closed the said news paper and the strike and gathering of the students were savagely attacked and the civil clothed agents attacked and killed many innocent people. the letter ws published on 15 Tir 1378.
The faith of Ahamdi Nejad in (Hojatye) (those who believe that the Emam Zaman will come back) and union of Hojatye with the present ruling islamic govenment are three factors who are pushing the religion forward in the country and Ahmadi Nejad has assigned his relatives and closely connected to him to carry on this task
The Hohatye Organization in Wikipedia is known as one of the strongest associations next to Free Masonry, the Illiminated, his sole gole is to defend Isam agains Bahaism and try to prepare the path for the resurrection of Emam Zaman , this organiztion was founded by a cleric called Sheikh Mahmoud Halabi back in 1332, the said organization was stopped by the same person on the order of Khomeini in 1362 and Halabi was accused of traitor and radical and it was closed
The difference between the believes of the Hojatye and the ruling Islam in Iran is that they don't believe in Isalmic Government before the coming of Imam Zaman
The Guardina News paper in 2005 published an article stating the matter who was told by a cousin of his which as well has a very Islamic name (Shah-houseiny) and was added that this change of sir-name was because of political and economical reasons done in those days
In reality these Hebrews (Sebourchian clan) are from a vilage of Sade which belongs to Isphane and is said that in those days because of the Islam forcing the Hebrews to become Muslims they converte to Islam around 100 years ago. The Hebrews in Iran are the oldest nation which outside Israel after loosing their temples in Babilon and being treated as slaves came to Iran when the (Ghods) was being built during the Darioush Kingdom, then the King gave them their liberty and made them free which then many left but those who stayed are now our compatriots which have lived in Iran since 2600 years ago
Ahmadi Nejad during the elections used a Green scarf saying that he is a Seyed because of his mother's family line ...but from the copy of her national identity according to her name "Fateme Begim" we can see that this was just a lie to fool the public opinion
Dr. Khazali was one of the first who made comments of Ahmadi Nejad's religion, after the comment his website was filtered. Khazali was always exposing the truth about the dark side of the Regime, such as the assassination of Seyed Ahmad Khomeini by Saeid Emmami or the murdedr of Dr. Sammy by Ahmadi Nejad
Sebour is a scarf the which is used in Jewish rituals, and the Clan or family of Sebourjian are the one who had lived in Azadan, and according to the ministry of interior the name is considered as Jewish name. Based on the given information on behalf of the mentioned news paper which claims that Ahmadi Nejad has Jewish origins and his name was changed (Sebourjina) after his family was converted to Islam
Daily Telegram says on behalf of an expert on Iranian Jewish informs, that Ahmadi Nejad's sir name is changed so is real identity will not be a reason for rejection and he always attacks his co religious of Israel so no one would know the truth and to fool the public opinion
The first signs of him being two faced person: change of his sir name, the identity of his mother being a Seyed so he can relate himself to Prophet Mohamad, dressing so poorly, statng that him and his cabinet when on political trips eating just some bread and cheese, his old over coat, his way of saving in costs of his cabinet which has never been carried out in the ministries which is another way of fooling the public opinion
Other facts of him being as false as possible is his pretension on fighting against the corruption single handed, of course this was another way of showing himself innocent against the Mafia of Mr. Rafsanjani and his children or Mr. Nategh Noori which have never been clearly been exposed on mas media, this are big pieces to chew even by him, but exposing them was an excuse to evade the attention of the public opinion towards the mishandling the countries affairs. Of course there is much more on this issue
Other matters to pay attention to are him being able to communicate with Emam Zaman in many occasions such as having meals with Emam Zaman, being illuminated by golden halo, admitting that he takes direct orders from the Emam Zaman himself, to serve a plate of food for the coming Emam, seeing him in his dreams, being advised by him on how to carry one with his work and so one, which all have been denied by the Soony and Shiat leaders and the one who has admitted these issues has been called a false person. Once on of the members of the the parliament in the province of Sistan and Baluchestan had asked him why dose he lie and promises amount of money which can not provide because of the poor administration... and Ahmadi Nejad in answer had said that they should not worry about it, as the Amam Zaman is going to come soon and provide them with all that he is saying and promisiong, and he had said within 2 years time the Emam is going to come it means 2012 One of the ministers relates that one day Ahmadi Nejad was questioned by Khamenie on why has he said that Emam Zaman is coming in 2012 and had got angry on him, on leaving Ahmadi Nejad had said, that the leader thinks I am his president , I am the president of Emam Zaman not his, and added that those who are in contact with him had said that the 2012 is the date given to him
Ahmadi Nejad once when talking to Seyed Hassan Khomeini, Ahmad Khomeini's son state it again that the Emam Zaman is due within 2 years and he will appear in 2012 and on his conference in Columbia University said that the conference was guided by The Emam Zaman himself
Ahmadi Nejad had a discussion with Safar Harandi Minister of Ershad and the former minister of inteligence Mosheni Egei who told him that he should obey the Leader Khamenie who recives the orders from Emam Zaman and they obey him, and in answer he said if they obey Khamenei, himself is directly obeyng and receiving orders from the Emam Zaman himself.
The first person who denied the genocide of the Jewish by the Germans was Said Emami who was the vice-president to ministry of interior and security of the country and one of the designers of the chain murders which took place then, he said that due to his neo nazi friends and history books the total Jewish killed during the halocost were 250.000 not 6.000.000 as claimed by Israel and he called it a big lie
Till 70s the Jewish genocide was always believed and referred to as such and all the documentales, reports and films on the subject were shown on TV. and cinemas, even in 1372 the murder of Davidian sect in united states was resembled to the Halocost
Said Emami had then startd a project which now ahmadi Nejad is following, before the chain murders which happened during his assignment he said that agains a cultural attacks we have to provide cultural defence, and shortly after the chain assassinations started then in Iran
Just after the false elections we have seen many assassinations happening the way they did in the past, but now the orders are given by Khamenei himself
The Salam newspaper published a letter of Said Emami which in this letter he had asked to be more harsh and strict with writers , translators and so on, after the publishing of the mentioned letter which was a heavy attack against the conservatives in general, the special court of holiness closed the said news paper and the strike and gathering of the students were savagely attacked and the civil clothed agents attacked and killed many innocent people. the letter ws published on 15 Tir 1378.
The faith of Ahamdi Nejad in (Hojatye) (those who believe that the Emam Zaman will come back) and union of Hojatye with the present ruling islamic govenment are three factors who are pushing the religion forward in the country and Ahmadi Nejad has assigned his relatives and closely connected to him to carry on this task
The Hohatye Organization in Wikipedia is known as one of the strongest associations next to Free Masonry, the Illiminated, his sole gole is to defend Isam agains Bahaism and try to prepare the path for the resurrection of Emam Zaman , this organiztion was founded by a cleric called Sheikh Mahmoud Halabi back in 1332, the said organization was stopped by the same person on the order of Khomeini in 1362 and Halabi was accused of traitor and radical and it was closed
The difference between the believes of the Hojatye and the ruling Islam in Iran is that they don't believe in Isalmic Government before the coming of Imam Zaman
من شخصا تجربه به دام افتادن در حلقه یهودیان مخفی را در زمان دانشجویی دارم. اینها یک شبکه اجتماعی قوی دارند اکثرا پدرانشان نام خانوادگی خود راتغییر داده اند .لذا بیشتر دارای فامیلهای کمیاب و دو بخشی هستند مثل شریفی فرد یا صداقت نژاد و... بستگی به مسئولیت و شغلشان تظاهر به دبنداری میکنند و برخی شدیدا برای امام حسین عزاداری میکنند. شناختشان بسیار مشکل است.من که به یکی از این شبکه ها دسترسی پیدا کردم متوجه شدم اکثر اینها بسیار به تجارت علاقه شدیدی دارند تا جایی که بیشترشان در سمت مدیر بازرگانی شرکت ها هستند.در واقع ایران توسط این افراد در زیر سلطه صهیونیزم جهانی قرار گرفته است. اینها هر فردی را که مستعد تشخیص دهند یا بطور نامحسوس توسط ازدواج با یکی از افراد مورد نظر خودشان جذب میکنند و بهره برداری لازم را از ان فرد میکنند . و در صورت عدم موفقیت در جذب سعی در ناکامی و از بین بردن زندگی آن فرد به هر صورت ممکن میکنند. از صاحب وبلاگ تقاضا دارم نوشته های مرا حذف نکند و برای دید عموم بگذارد چون من تجربه 10 ساله آزار و تعقیب توسط این شبکه مخوف اجتماعی را خودم تجربه کرده ام.عوامل اینها در تمام شهرها و سازمانها ازجمله مخابرات وزارت اطلاعات قوه قضاییه وشرکت های دولتی و خصوصی حضور دارند. من پیشنهاد می کنم برای تصدی شغلهای مهم مثل وزارت و نمایندگی مجلس و رییس جمهوری و... حتما در باره ریشه خانوادگی افراد تحقیق شود. به مدد همین افراد است که سازمان موساد با استفاده از آشفتگی بعد از انقلاب در ایران مهره های خود را چید و دقیق ترین اطلاعات داخلی ما را دارد
پاسخحذفدرود به شما دوست عزیز و گرامی ما مطلب شما را پاک نمی کنیم زیرت به گفته های شما آگاهی داریم اگر خواستید مطالب خودتان را ارسال کنید که به
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